7 Ways To Combat Seasonal Depression

Hey sis, it's that time of year again when the days get shorter and the winter blues start creepin' in. Seasonal depression is real and it can really take a toll on your mood and energy levels. Here are some tips I've learned to help lift my spirits when I’m in a fall funk.

1. Seek Out the Sunshine

Whenever we get a break in the clouds, get your cute self outside for a dose of mood-boosting sunlight. Even just 15 minutes can make a difference. Vitamin D is crucial for balanced moods. If it's not sunny, take a supplement. Get outside for fresh air breaks, walk by windows to get natural light, or invest in a sunlight therapy lamp. Let those rays in, Sis.

2. Laugh Sis

When it's cold and gloomy out, it's easy to just want to hunker down in the house. But don't isolate yourself, mama. Make plans with your girls to catch up over dinner or meet up for Sunday brunch. Share some laughs and get that social bonding. It really does help.

3. Move Your Body

Keep your endorphins pumping with regular exercise. Hit up a Zumba or yoga class at the community center. Join a gym if that motivates you. Or create a simple home workout routine. Anything that gets you moving.

4. Pamper Yourself

You deserve a little TLC. Schedule a massage, a mani-pedi at the salon, or DIY a spa night at home. Light some candles, pour a glass of wine, and treat yourself to a bubble bath. Take care of you.

those rays in, hunny.

6. Practice Gratitude

When you're feeling down, shift your focus to the blessings and silver linings. Keep a gratitude journal of things big and small that you're thankful for. Share your gratitude with loved ones. Look for the light.

7. Reach Out for Help

Depression is nothing to be ashamed of. If your symptoms persist, don't hesitate to reach out to your doctor or a therapist. You don't have to struggle alone, Sis. There's help and hope.

Stay encouraged, Sis. You'll get through these cold months. And just remember - spring WILL come again, bringing back the sunshine and warmth.

Comment below & let me know if you’ve dealt with or deal with seasonal depression.


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